Job Shift Is Driven by the Rapid Increase in the Rate of Change

Keith Clark Lee County North Carolina
Time and Distance No Longer Protect Us From Change.

Our idea of a "job' was invented during the Industrial Revolution and is out of sync with today's technological and economic forces. Job losses continued after the end of the last recession. Jobs are not disappearing because of the move off shore where new production capitalizes on information in the hands of workers with no preconceived ideas. Usually as few as a couple of hundred jobs are gained when production moves overseas for every 1,000 jobs lost here.
The reality is much more troubling, for what is disappearing today is not just a certain number of jobs, or jobs in certain industries, or jobs in certain parts of the country--or even jobs only in America as a whole. What is disappearing is the very thing itself--the job.--Job Shift, page vii (Click here to thumb through the book)
We are no longer isolated from the increasing rate of change because of the rapidly accelerating pace at which knowledge is growing and how universally and quickly it can be transmitted.This is represented by one of the videos "Did You Know" below, which in one version or the other has been seen by over 4,000,000 people. The other makes an interesting response "Yes We Know". To understand where all those jobs have really gone we need to understand how work is changing today and what it is doing to those jobs." (Read the Fortune Article)You can preview the book, Job Shift, by William Bridges if you have a Google Account. (click to sign up as a Google Member)

The next post will have a video responding on the state of education in a changing world.